
Faith and Fitness


simplify (1)


The thought of less is more has been put strongly on my heart over the course of the last few months. I have been caught up in doing too much and the feeling of being spread too thin. How many of you does that resonate with?

I am taking steps to streamline my life. To simplify. To live a life of less is more.

I am changing my schedule so I can get more rest. I am de-cluttering my house to the bare essentials to simplify my life and have less stuff.

I am doing more of what I love; wr…

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3 Life Lessons from Super Bowl LIV


If you were like me you were riveted to the TV on Super Bowl Sunday, and no I am not talking about the halftime entertainment. I knew it would be an amazing game, I just didn’t think the Kansas City Chiefs had another come from behind win in them, especially playing the powerhouse San Francisco 49ers.

As I reflected back on the game, I walked away with three life lessons that I believe can apply to everyone’s life.

Life Lesson Number One: Never Give Up

Patrick Mahomes said this Super Bowl win…

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Perfectionism Destroys Our Joy


The unreal expectation of trying to be perfect is stealing my joy right from underneath my nose. Often times I don’t recognize why I don’t have peace and joy in my life. But then it smacks me right in the face.

This quote comes to mind; 

“Perfection is often the enemy of greatness.” -Janelle Monae

My unreal expectation of perfection is stealing my joy and ultimately my greatness. 

It makes me miserable. I beat myself up when I can’t live up to my own expectations of being perfect.

If you ar…

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Who Are We Becoming


One of the most important revelations that I have had in the past year is that it’s not about the doing, it’s about who we are becoming.  I recently started an online men’s fitness ministry membership site.  I have already learned so much in the last two weeks. 

My vision when I left my position in the pharmaceutical industry was to be an online influencer for good.  Two and a half years later I am on that path of making a difference in the world both in my community and now online. 

There are…

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I Am the Crazy Dancing Guy (Come Join Me)

start a movement

The most powerful leaders of our time had a dream, vision or objective that were much larger than they were such as Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. 

These most influential leaders were willing to stand out in a crowd and start a movement. 

But here is the most important part of starting a movement.  If there are no first followers there is no movement. 

If there are first followers who are courageous enough and have the guts to follow someone who is willing…

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These Three Battles Are Destroying Men’s Lives


I was completely blown away when I came across these statistics about how loneliness and isolation wreaks havoc on our health.  Loneliness and social isolation has been linked to a 30% increase of having a stroke or coronary artery disease.    

If that isn’t unbelievable enough, one study shows that loneliness has the same impact on mortality as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day making it even more dangerous than obesity. 

When I was going through my darkest days of being alone in a marriage t…

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